You may be a student or staff member and you are dissatisfied with how something within KMMS has been handled or have a concern or complaint about a KMMS staff member (who may be involved in teaching or support).
You may have witnessed something inappropriate whilst on campus which made you or someone you were with feel very feel uncomfortable.
The KMMS leadership team takes these issues very seriously and aspires to a high level of excellence and adherence to our values in everything we do.
If you feel it is a very serious concern and you want to proceed straight to the formal complaint stage, please do so through the University of Kent’s formal complaints procedure and/or the University of Kent’s Report and Support service for very serious matters.
However, you may prefer to resolve your concern or complaint more informally.
What happens next?
- Please provide as much information as you can by completing the KMMS concerns form (just three questions).
- We can only fully investigate the concern or complaint and respond to you if you also include your name and contact details.
- The form will be received by our Student Procedures Officer, Head of Operations. and Dean’s Office and then referred to the appropriate part of KMMS or the University depending on the nature of the complaint.
- If you are a student, the information you provide will be handled in line with our Student Complaints Procedures described on our policy page.
- If you are a staff member, the information will be handled in line with the University of Kent’s Grievance Resolution procedure.
- If necessary, appropriate information will be shared with the staff member it relates to.
- We will aim to update you on progress with addressing your concern within 10 working days.