Portrait of Mr Daniel Jie Lai

Mr Daniel Jie Lai


Daniel’s PhD project aims to explore the relationship between the 3 domains of Post Intensive Care Syndrome and circadian health among early post-discharge patients (0-3 months). The pilot eHealth protocol aims to identify key circadian health markers to signpost rehabilitation interventions.


Huxley, P., Krayer, A., Poole, R., Gromadzka, A., Jie, D., & Nafees, S. (2023). The Goldberg–Huxley model of the pathway to psychiatric care: 21st-century systematic review. BJPsych Open, 9(4), E114. doi:10.1192/bjo.2023.505 (link:https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/bjpsych-open/article/goldberghuxley-model-of-the-pathway-to-psychiatric-care-21stcentury-systematic-review/A26CD636065EF580691D379C2CD60682)

Last updated October 5, 2023