Dr Kate Neden
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Dr Neden is a GP in Ramsgate. She has worked in medical education as a GP trainer and teaching prospective GP trainers. Kate has been an examiner with the Royal College of General Practitioners since 1997. Her portfolio career as a GP has included working with both Pilgrims’ hospices and Macmillan to develop primary care palliative care. She is a Clinical Advisor for NHS England and a member of the RCGP Council.
Kate trained in Medicine in Cambridge and Oxford
Research interests
Dr Neden's research interests include medical assessment (of postgraduate general practitioners) and aspects of primary care. she is currently undertaking a part time PhD on work-place stress and general practitioner resilience. Previous research includes aspects of primary care palliative care.
Kate has been a GP trainer for the majority of her career as a GP. As part of this she has previously been involved in teaching prospective GP trainers (for their Postgraduate Certificate in Education).
Beyond this Kate has been involved in multidisciplinary education both within general practice and community palliative care.
As an RCGP examiner, she is involved in training other assessors. This role has included developmental work with the RCGP internationally.
1. Neden, CA., Parkin, C., Blow, C. and Niroshan Siriwardena, A. (2018) 'Has there been a change in the knowledge of GP registrars between 2011 and 2016 as measured by performance on common items in the Applied Knowledge Test?' Education for Primary Care (Full Text Available): doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/14739879.2018.1467737
2. Asghar, Z.B., Siriwardena, A.N., Elfes, C., Richardson, J., Larcombe, J., Neden, C.A., Salim, A., Smalley, D. and Blow, C., (2018) 'Performance of candidates disclosing dyslexia with other candidates in a UK medical licensing examination: cross-sectional study.' Postgraduate medical journal, 94(1110), pp.198-203. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/postgradmedj-2017-135326
3. Siriwardena, A.N., Irish, B., Asghar, Z.B., Dixon, H., Milne, P., Neden, C., Richardson, J. and Blow, C. (2012) 'Comparing performance among male and female candidates in sex-specific clinical knowledge in the MRCGP.' Br J Gen Pract, 62(599), pp.e446-e450. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp12X649142