KMMS Student Research Showcased at IRP Presentations Day

Award winners with Dr Parkin
Award winners with Dr Parkin

Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS) students recently took part in a summative presentation day for their Individual Research Projects (IRPs), allowing them an opportunity to deliver their respective work to their peers, colleagues, staff and external guests within a professional setting.

The Individual Research Project module allows Year 4 students a chance to obtain first-hand experience of conducting research and presenting results in a disciplined and scholarly format. The content is built on prior learning, notably in Personal Development and Patient-Centred Practice modules in Years 1 and 2, and the Scientific Basis of Medicine (SBOM) module in Year 3.   

The IRP module is led by Dr Claire Parkin, Reader in Medical Education and Lead for Scholarship and Scientific Enquiry, with support from Dr Marlene Schoeman, Associate Lecturer. Students and guests were welcomed to the inaugural presentation day by Professor Chris Holland, before a Keynote Address by Professor Ranjit Akolekar, Consultant in Fetal Medicine. 

Professor Akolekar took the opportunity to encourage the students to continue in their pursuit of a career in Medicine and position themselves at the forefront of life-changing research.  

The closing address and awards were delivered by Dr Parkin, who reflected on the day as “a truly memorable and uplifting event in which our Year 4 students showcased their exceptional IRP work.” 

She continued: “Their dedication to medicine and research really came across, and their professionalism, enthusiasm and passion for their IRPs was truly inspiring. The peer support they gave each other on the day was incredible. As module lead, they really did me proud.” 

Students had the opportunity to present electronic posters, which were assessed and scored independently. The well-deserving recipients of the prizes included Grace Dabson, Wojciech Slusarczyk and Rachael Madume, while Mary McDonald was awarded the prize for Best IRP Poster. Max Kemp received a Recognition Award for overcoming significant challenges with his IRP. 

Dr Schoeman expressed her “immense pride” in the students and “heartful gratitude” towards everyone who contributed to make the day such a success. 

One of the IRP supervisors, Dr Kristy Howells, said: “I would highly recommend colleagues to consider being a supervisor for future medical students. I have found the experience a real joy both working with the students as well as the module and course team who have been so very efficient and supportive of the supervisors.” 

The day represented the first time that students have been given the opportunity to present their findings across a dedicated day at KMMS.  

Dr Howells added: “The IRP day gave every student the opportunity to excel and share their own research journey that they had been on for the past 2 years, through both SBOM and IRP. It was a real pleasure to hear the range of topic areas and to really recognise the medical reach that research has within the medical school.” 

Congratulations to all who took part and made the day such a success! A gallery of the event can be found on the KMMS website