Policies - Kent and Medway Medical School

Kent and Medway Medical School

Terms and Conditions

Please read the Kent and Medway Medical School Terms and Conditions and Regulations for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery documents below carefully.

These terms and conditions and regulations will continue to apply for the entire period you are a student at KMMS so it is important you understand them.

Kent and Medway Medical School Terms and Conditions Document (PDF)

Kent and Medway Medical School Regulations for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (PDF)

KMMS Policies and Procedures

Please note that admissions for KMMS are being run through the University of Kent. Therefore KMMS students will, where appropriate, follow Kent policies as well as specific KMMS policies as linked to within the documents above and below.

Academic Misconduct Procedures 

Admissions Policy 

Appeals Procedure

Attendance and Engagement Policy

Bring Your Own Device Policy

Dress Code for Students

Document Retention Schedule

Educational Recording Policy

Intercalation Policy and Procedure

Interruption of Studies/Intermission Procedure

Low-Level Concerns, Fitness to Study and Fitness to Practise Policy

Low-Level Concerns, Fitness to Study and Fitness to Practise Procedures

Mitigation of Extenuating Circumstances Procedures

Non-Academic Discipline Procedures

Privacy Policy

Reasonable Adjustment Policy

Reasonable Adjustments Procedure

Reasonable Adjustment Glossary

Speaking Up in Practice Environments Policy

Speaking Up in Practice Environments Procedure

Strategy for Countering Bullying, Undermining and Harassment – this will be updated in Academic Year 2024/25

Student Complaints Procedures

Travel and Accommodation Policy


Student  Protection Plan

Every Higher Education provider is required by the Office for Students (OfS) to have a Student Protection Plan in place. The Student Protection Plan sets out what students can expect to happen to address any risks related to the continuation or completion of their studies, how these would be managed and communicated to students.

As KMMS is a collaboration between Canterbury Christ Church University and the University of Kent, the Student Protection Plans for both Universities apply to our students. In the event of any significant change, this would involve:

  • The Universities working together to manage the continuity of delivery of the programme and minimise disruption to students
  • Transferring students to Brighton and Sussex Medical School to complete their studies, in the event of closure of the School or programme before GMC accreditation is achieved in 2025.

For more detail you can access the full Student Protection Plans via the Canterbury Christ Church and University of Kent websites.

Regulations for the Conferment of the Award of Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery 2020-21

Regulations for the Conferment of the Award of Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery 2021-22

Regulations for the Conferment of the Award of Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery 2022-24