Our Supporters - Kent and Medway Medical School

Kent and Medway Medical School

Photo of a person holding a card with the words Thank You written on it

Our Supporters


The Kent and Medway Medical School is very grateful to the following individuals, friends, trusts and foundations and companies whose exceptional generosity is making our vision a reality.

The Kent and Medway Medical School is also very grateful for the support of our many anonymous benefactors.

Principal Benefactors (£1M+)

  • Pears Foundation
  • Health Education England
  • Oak Foundation
  • South East Local Growth Fund
  • Sustainability and Transformation Partnership/NHS

Major Benefactors (£100,000 – £999,999)

  • Tim Bull DL and Rosalind Riley
  • Canterbury Health Education Foundation
  • The Christopher Marsh Family Memorial Fund
  • Jenny Conway
  • Garfield Weston Foundation
  • The Gerald Townsley Trust
  • Henry Oldfield Trust
  • John Swire 1989 Charitable Trust
  • Medway Council
  • Sir Graeme Odgers

Leading Benefactors (£50,000 – £99,999)

  • East Kent Hospitals University NHS Trust
  • Lord and Lady Freud
  • The Loveday Charitable Trust
  • Roger De Haan Charitable Trust
  • Santander Universities

Founding Benefactors (£5,000 – £49,999)

  • Dr William (Jim) Appleyard FRCP
  • Wendi Atherton
  • Paul and Patsy Barrett
  • The Batchworth Trust
  • John and Gillian Butler
  • Jean Byers MBE
  • Canterbury City Council
  • The Childwick Trust
  • Michael Chowen CBE DL
  • Stephen Clark TD
  • Mr Richard Collins FRCS
  • Professor Karen Cox
  • Dartford Borough Council
  • Dover District Council
  • Hugo and Kate Fenwick
  • Dr Stuart Field MBE FRCR
  • Folkestone & Hythe District Council
  • Janet Glass
  • The Hazelhurst Trust
  • The Headley Pitt Charitable Trust
  • Mr Robert Heddle FRCS
  • H R P Boorman Family Foundation
  • Gillian Jordan
  • Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
  • Kent College
  • KIMS Hospital
  • Stephen Kingsman
  • The Lawson Trust
  • William and Helen Leigh-Pemberton
  • Maidstone Borough Council
  • Stephanie Martin
  • Professor Sir David Melville CBE
  • Ian and Juliet Odgers
  • Pfizer R&D UK Limited
  • Dr Mark Rake FRCP
  • R G Hills Charitable Trust
  • SARD JV Ltd
  • In loving memory of Dr Mira Sarkhel
  • Smiths Group Plc
  • Spencer Hospitals
  • The Stonewall Park Charitable Trust
  • Professor Abdollah Tavabie
  • Professor and Mrs R Thirunamachandran

Supporters (£1,000 – £4,999)

  • Dr Barbara Armstrong
  • Hubert and Jane Ashton
  • Association of British Dispensing Opticians
  • Association of Men of Kent and Kentish Men – The Kent County Society
  • The Astor Foundation
  • Dame Ursula Brennan DBE
  • John Brooks
  • Mr Christopher Butler FRCS
  • Dr Nigel Butler MB BS MRCGP
  • In loving memory of Dr Audrey Carey
  • Harry and Sheila Cragg
  • John and Sandra De Graft-Johnson
  • E B Hutchinson Charitable Trust
  • Enterprise Holdings Foundation
  • HEWI UK Ltd
  • Professor Chris Holland
  • Johnny Holland and Sarah Chissell
  • Drs Mark and Alice Hudson-Peacock
  • Inner Wheel District 12
  • Ian Kemsley
  • Kent Local Medical Committee
  • The Kent Men of the Trees
  • The Leathersellers’ Foundation
  • Denis Linfoot OBE
  • James and Jane Loudon
  • James and Arabella Maudslay
  • The Mountbatten Charity
  • Nona Doubleday Trust
  • Lord Northbourne
  • His Honour Andrew Patience KC
  • The Peter and Michael Hiller Charitable Trust
  • P F Charitable Trust
  • The Royal College of General Practitioners South East Thames Faculty
  • Bridget Sackville West
  • Sandison Lang and Company
  • Sir Charles Jessel Charitable Trust
  • Sunshine Fund
  • Brian and Janet Turner
  • Charles Villiers
  • Her Honour Judge Adele Williams KC
  • Moira C Witek-McManus

Friends Programme

  • Dr Tristan Barber
  • Dr Andrew Birnie
  • Canterbury Association of Women Graduates
  • Jane Carey-Harris
  • Dr Sandra Chandler
  • Dr Brighton Chireka
  • Dr James Cole
  • Dr David Cook
  • Dr Chi Davies
  • The Hon Mrs R. Denison-Pender
  • Dr Stuart Dove
  • John Doyle
  • Mr P G Duffy
  • Prof. Dr. Rev. Eugene N.Y. Dugbartey
  • Alister and Vilma Dunning
  • Dr Joseph Eddington
  • Hilary Edridge, Lady Melville
  • Sir Christopher Edwards
  • The Eleanor Creeke Trust
  • Mr Edward Ellis
  • Dr Clare Evans
  • Toby Evans
  • The Fairlawne Estate
  • Peter and Maggie Fairweather
  • Folkestone Medical Society
  • Michael Forder
  • Jenny Grant
  • Mrs Graeme Hamilton
  • Dr Michael Heeley
  • Nick Hodges
  • Inner Wheel Club of Canterbury
  • Jean Johnson
  • Dr Anthony Jones
  • Dr Christine Marsh
  • Carl Openshaw
  • Dr Cornelius Osondu
  • Dr Ian Osterloh
  • Sue Palmer (née Lanyon)
  • Dr Jennifer Pay and Dr Graham Pay
  • Anna Pollard
  • Dr David Pratt
  • Dr Anthony Quastel
  • Dr John Ribchester
  • Anne Rooke
  • The Rotary Club of Ashford
  • Dr Susan Rutherford
  • Countess Phyllis Sondes
  • Team Buckley Osteopathy/Physiotherapy
  • Whitstable Medical Practice
  • Ailsa Williamson
  • Gerald and Sheila Wilton

A message from Professor Chris Holland, Dean of the Kent and Medway Medical School.